VRM[DATA]™ enables the smooth and streamlined gathering of information regarding employees' visit requests and meeting documentation for visits to foreign-owned control or influence (FOCI) facilities.
VRM[DATA]™ automates the request and approval process for FSOs and approving directors, cutting out the arduous aspects of obtaining approvals for outside meetings at FOCI facilities.
VRM[DATA]™ also enables the requestor to track the progress of his/her request as it moves through the chain of command until approval is received. If approval has not yet been received, the cleared personnel can check on the progress of the request to see where it is in process.  The user can view the request's status each step of the way.
GSCs and approving directors can monitor visit-related compliance data intra-month, and monitor security programs in real-time without having to wait for end-of-period reports.
After a visit or meeting has occurred, VRM[DATA]™ enables the quick and efficient documentation of the meeting, automatically made available to the facility security officer for review.
Last, for any personnel who regularly visit certain facilities, historical requests are stored and can be easily reused, saving time and energy.
Reports can be downloaded with a click of a few buttons.  VRM[DATA]™'s reporting capabilities make internal and external reviews and audits so much easier.